- Xmind 6 For Mac Versions
- Xmind 6 For Mac Download
- Xmind 6 For Macbook Pro
- Xmind 6 Mac
- Xmind 6 For Mac Os
XMind for pros. Price for all.
XMind for pros.
Price for all.

All Platforms
Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android
IDK what's happened with the earlise version of xmind on mac b/c it seems that the rate was low before. I have used xmind on windows for a long time and switch to Mac and xmind works consistently and stably as on windows. Plenty shortcuts. Institutional process. Stunning surface. Lucidchart Sponsored. Lucidchart is an online diagram and flowchart software that supports. 问题:mac 下 XMind 8 pro 如何使用 图例功能 ? 说明:这个图片是模版导入时自带的图例,如果在不使用模版的前提下,请帮忙解答或指导几个问题,问题如下: 1、mac下如何启用 及 关闭 图例功能 ? 2、mac下 图例功能如何进行 在图例功能中的比如上图Day 12 进行删除 ? 以上2个问题在XMind 8 pro版本中.

- Xmind 2020 是一款风靡全球的思维导图和头脑风暴软件,也是当前体验最好,功能最强大的mac思维导图软件,融合艺术与创造力,让思维清晰可见。XMind Zen 现已更名为 XMind 2020。.
- Free and open source, Java-based mind-mapping app for the desktop featuring a.
Xmind 6 For Mac Versions
- Unlock all features
- Always use the latest version
- Nonstop from desktop to mobile
Choose a plan that fits you, and upgrade for the next level.
- One plan is allowed to run on 5 Macs/PCs and 5 iOS/Android personal devices.
- The plan includes XMind 2020 and XMind for iOS/Android. XMind 8 is not included.
- Subscription automatically renews and can be cancelled anytime. Billed per 6 months/annually.
Xmind 6 For Mac Download
Special Offer for Academia

If you are a student/educator study or work for school or educational institution. We always support you a special price to get XMind 2020 desktop and mobile version.
- Current and valid ID of school/educational institution is required.
- The price includes XMind 2020 desktop and mobile version.
- Need an XMind ID to activate, if you do not have one, please create an XMind ID.
- One subscription is allowed on 5 Macs/PCs and 5 iOS/Android devices.
- Subscription can be cancelled anytime.
Xmind 6 For Macbook Pro
Enterprise Pricing

Xmind 6 Mac
We provide premium service for large customers all over the world, like HPE, Europe Parliament, and Angry Birds. The volume license for enterprise serves all sizes of teams, from startups to companies with even hundreds of thousands of users. Please tell us your organization’s requirements and we’ll contact back in the first time and offer the best price.
Why should I pay?
XMind is commercial software. You need a subscription plan for personal and business use.

Before purchase, you’re using a trial version. It's for evaluation purposes only. Some features are inactive. And all exported images and PDFs would come with watermarks.
To use XMind properly, you should pay. You don't need to download another app. We'll unlock all features immediately after your first purchase. All plans are per user. You can use XMind on up to 5 Mac/PCs and 5 iOS/Android devices.
The reason we choose subscription plans rather than a life-time license, is that we wish you always use the latest version, to keep us out of supporting every single history release. It's a big deal to keep our team small, but agile and committed. We believe the subscription mode is the future for all independent software vendors.
Xmind 6 For Mac Os
In addition, we also offer group/volume licenses for all kinds of organizations.
Join our hundreds of thousands of happy subscribers today!